We started off the night by interviewing the family. The whole family reported
having either seen or heard a spirit since they first moved in about 15 years ago.
The house was built in 1925 and was owned by an older woman and her husband.
There had been two other owners before the current family. After looking at a copy of the homeowner's deed, we found the old
woman's name to be Eva. This is presumably the spirit of the old woman in the dinning room. Some research was done after our
investigation, and some facts were uncovered that substantiated our findings! We found out that Eva spent her last days in
a hospital bed in the dinning room. So it is no surprise that her spirit lingers here.
Even more interesting was the information we discovered about the two little
girl spirits in the attic. Eva was survived by two grandaughters, Emily and Sarah. When this information was discovered we
were elated! Never before have we had so much of our investigation substantiated my factual evedence. It was truely a "jackpot"!
To see some pictures of our invesigation, please follow the link below.
EVP's are pending analysis...they will be posted as soon as they are determined
to be actual EVP's, although we already know they are! Members of our mailing list will recieve notification when the EVP's
are posted. To become a member please visit our home page and sign up! Thanks.